February 29, 2020

El Paso County Historical Commission has a program to honor El Paso businesses that have been around for 50 years. We will hear about two of their awardees in the Texas Treasures Business Awards from Ralph Roman. El Paso has some of the oldest family owned businesses in the state. Southwestern Mill Distributors, Inc. Rod Sterling and Dominguez and Sons Custom Cabinets, Saul Dominquez senior and junior. They deserve credit for being contributors to the economic development of the county for so many years. The THC receives applications from communities, reviews and approves and then the CHC… in this case, the Outreach Committee recognizes the company with a plaque.
Hour two, Cindy Medina is back with the people at the Pancho Villa Stash house in Union Plaza. They have a major open house on this day to introduce the new Pancho Villa Museum and restaurant, where US Customs found half a million dollars in gold in 1916 that was Pancho’s.
Hour One
Hour Two